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Categoría | Protección del niño |
The decade of the 1990s returned a mixed score card for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Overall, the LDCs recorded only modest progress, but there were some encouraging experiences in social development and economic integration. The Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries to be held in May 2001 in Brussels presents an opportunity to review these experiences and agree on strategies to build on lessons learnt to accelerate the fight against poverty. These strategies must be centred on the realization of the rights of children. Increased investment in children should occur in the context of administrative and legal reforms to support childfriendly initiatives, greater participation of people in social and economic activities and enhanced access of populations to the means of production and micro-credit. Specific emphasis must be placed on educating girls. There is overwhelming evidence that educated girls grow up to make decisions that reduce poverty in their own lives and the lives of their children. Giving girls a head start will contribute to long-term economic growth and poverty reduction. If children represent the exit door from poverty, presentado por Compassion International, ofrece ideas, oportunidades de aprendizaje y relaciones para ayudar a equipar a las personas que trabajan con niños en situación de riesgo. Somos una comunidad mundial de seguidores de Jesús comprometidos con el desarrollo integral de los niños. Lo invitamos a que se una a nosotros como comunidad colaborativa para compartir con otros las ideas, experiencias, métodos y herramientas que ayuden a los niños a triunfar incluso en la peor de las adversidades. es presentado por Compassion International, una organización 501(c)3 registrada sin fines de lucro. Todos los recursos, los cursos y las discusiones son para propósitos educativos únicamente, no para lucrar.